ING Direct Orange Key

How to save money and earn extra money with banking

  • $25 Orange Key “34908230S1”

    Simply enter this number in when signing up with ING Direct Canada, and receive $25 within 24hrs of depositing $100 into your account.

    Just type in 34908230S1 when signing up for an ING Direct Canada account. This is my code so we'll both get the bonus when it's issued ($25 each)

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Posts Tagged ‘Orange Key’

What is the Orange Key at ING Direct?

Posted by martinharford on July 21, 2009

So you are ready to sign up for an ING Direct account, you click on the link saying “Sign Me UP!!”

You proceed to fill out all the questions about yourself and then at the bottom of the page you see a field for something called an “Orange Key”

This of course makes you wonder, what exactly is this?  If I fill it out will it benefit me in anyway?

What is the Orange Key?

To answer your first question, the Orange Key is a promotional code that ING can use to track the various promotions it has in effect at any point in time.  The most common one that I am aware of is their refer a friend promotion.

This friend referral program is offered to any person who has an ING Direct account already in the form of giving each current customer an Orange Key number with their account.  With it alone the customer actually cannot benefit what so ever.  In order to gain any benefit this customer has to persuade their friend, coworkers, relatives or anyone else to open an account presumably by saying how great it is being a customer is and all the benefits.

Okay, so how could this benefit me?

This gets me to what matters the most.

Now that a customer has convinced another to signup he then gives the new person his Orange Key.  With it the person signing up get a bonus when they deposit $100 into their new account.  Currently this bonus is $25 which ING Canada gives to both the person signing up and to the person that helped them to sign up, which ING knows by way of the code.


If you sign up for an account with ING you can get $25 if you give include an Orange Key.

How can I learn more?

To find more about the Orange Key program feel free to check my Orange Key page or you can take a look on the ING Direct Canada page explaining the refer a friend program.

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